CORPORATE SKULL 6 BEGINS MONDAY! Are you excited? I am FLIPPING excited. Below is a quick recap of how far we’ve come, so let’s meet back here on monday morning in our jimjams, with vodka shots and pork pies for snacksies. SEE YOU THEN!
Whew it’s been a while, and for that I can only say I’m sorry. But I’m very pleased to announce Corporate Skull issue 6 will begin on the 5th November! That should give me a few weeks to build up a backlog and be able to possibly do twice-weekly updates (hopefully).
Since 5 ended, we’ve moved house (with all the fun that brings) and I’ve been working harder than ever, so to be honest Skull hasn’t entered my mind as much as before. Issue 6 has had a page of notes for it in my Big Skull Sketchbook (it’s where i note down ideas for all the 24 planned issues), but beyond that i just haven’t had the time to think it through in detail. So last week i decided to just go away and think my arse off, to start breaking issue 6 down into some sort of coherent sense. The easiest way I find to do this is to write the numbers 1-25, and write by each number what story/joke needs to be covered on that page. That’s a very basic framework, from there i go in and start writing the pages one by one, knowing how much room i have to play around in.
And now I’m back writing him again, I am all fired up and excited to get back into it. I said issue 6 would be crazier than 5. I can say yes, yes it is. Without wanting to give too much away, we will explain one of the big Curb mysteries from book one, and start moving into some unexpected places. Not to mention, Skull getting his end away, the little sod.
So see you then!
And so here we are again, crashing trouserless into the end of an issue and what have we learnt? Well a lot, but none of it I can list here for fear of spoiling it for anyone who hasn’t read it all yet. So please do dive on in, click the thumbnail above to be transported back to the beginning of issue 5 and enjoy the hitting, crunching, swearing, screaming and bonking in all its glory!
As for me, I found issue 5 a little hard to get through, with other work and moving house all piling in around it, so apologies for any erratic updating this time round. I’ll now take my usual few-week break off from Skull while I go away and start putting together issue 6. I’m really proud of 5, but want 6 to ramp it up a bit and get a bit more momentum going, so if I can promise anything, it’s that things are going to get a fair bit more insane.
For now, please enjoy, and thank you for reading! It really does mean a fuckton when people support and comment on this, i appreciate it so much. So thank you.
Corporate Skull goes DAILY this week (at least, until Thursday), as we soar towards the dramatic climax of issue five. And as endings go, this one is rather a doozy i must say. So stick with it and lets see how this monstrous beast crashes!
I’m doing a live webchat for an hour tomorrow, Wednesday, at 6pm UK time / 10am US time (we believe), on Comic Chatcast <--clicky linky, then click the 'guestchat' tab! Come over and ask any questions you may have about whatever you want (probably comics, mainly) and lets talk/fight/make up. I'll be completely open and honest *cough* about the secrets of Corporate Skull or anything else you might be curious about. That's tomorrow! See you there, handsome! j