Tired of work? Need something on your screen other than dancing cats and low-grade hentai? WELL HERE’S SOME CORPORATE SKULL DESKTOP WALLPAPERS HAVE THEM!
1600 x 1200
1280 x 800
1366 x 768
1600 x 1200
1280 x 800
1366 x 768
1600 x 1200
1280 x 800
1366 x 768
have i done the wrong sizes? want different pics? done your own? GET IN TOUCH.
Love the wallpapers but the 1600×1200 links don’t seem to work for any of them, as far as I can tell.
As above, 1600×1200 don’t work! 🙂
whoops sorry! should be fixed now?
Works perfectly now, thank you! (Looks great btw!)
Great pictures! I think a bunch of people will have widescreen monitors, if you’d want to make that an option for any future wallpapers… Thanks,
Brilliant, especially the second one.
I think one of Skull looking and pointing at the screen and motivational/de motivational comment would be awesome
Dag nabbit good stuff you wihppersanpeprs!
My screen is so small, its 1024×768 🙁
I just use the smallest one, and it works fine though!
Just found your comic thanks to AkiraTheDon.com
Read it from start to finish in one sitting. It’s bloody well fantastic!
I don’t suppose you could provide any wallpapers in 1920×1080?
I would also love to see issue 1 page 19 “MASSIVE BELLEND” turned into a poster/t-shirt/print.
Congrats on a fantastic comic my good sir!