Hey! So come back soon, Skull will update with new pages next Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday, as we come crashing towards the climax of issue one.
Then we need to have a little chat about issue two.
Hey! So come back soon, Skull will update with new pages next Monday, Tuesday AND Wednesday, as we come crashing towards the climax of issue one.
Then we need to have a little chat about issue two.
There’s a real nice audio review of Corporate Skull (amongst others) up at digitalstrips.com (starts about 18.00 in). Thanks so much guys, glad you like it! And if you or your site have reviewed Corporate Skull, do let me know. I’m fragile and needy. i mean, i appreciate the support. Yeah, thats it.
What I enjoyed most about the review though, is how little the comic so far has given away, and where readers may be presuming it’s going to go. In hearing what the reviewers thought, I felt some perverse glee that what’s ACTUALLY going to happen in Corporate Skull is going to surprise people.
I don’t mean to sound like smug, glib webcomics bastard saying that. All I mean is, the twists and turns coming up in future issues of Corporate Skull are what make me most excited to be working on it, and so keen to be getting through it. I hope I can say with confidence, no one’s going to guess what the main story of Corporate Skull is going to be, and it’s not even going to be fully revealed until about issue four. Until then, the clues are plenty abound, if you know where to look for them.
My nature is one of impatience, i want stories told now, so stretching out like this is totally against form for me. It’s a real struggle not to just crack and try to reveal everything in issue one. But I will resist, and give this the room it deserves.
If it works, hopefully it’ll really knock your socks off. Just hang on.
Sorry all, no Corporate Skull this week. My computer gone PFFFT (literally) yesterday, with little hope of salvage. So it’s going to take me a week or so to get a new one and feel a little less incomplete (sob).
But hey next week to make up for it lets put two pages up. huh? HUH?
Well here’s something pretty cool.
The first Corporate Skull tattoo turned up over the weekend, a FANTASTIC ‘Naked Chainsaw’ pic on the lovely Scottie’s leg courtesy of the very talented Jason at Dark Angel Tattoos. Gotta say it’s always a massive honour to see your art on someone’s flesh (especially so soon after Skull started!), thank you Scottie and Jason!
Hey thanks all for the REALLY kind comments and emails about Skull, it’s such a buzz to see people are enjoying it (when you set things up on the web you have NO idea if anyone’s gonna be bothered about it, it can be such a case of random luck sometimes). Sorry to say, after yesterday’s blood-fest, there’s no more blood planned for the rest of the issue, we’re back to storyline and cold hard groin-punching i’m afraid. But it will return, in style. Along with other fluids.
Thanks again! We’re updating about once a week (usually mondays), except for today’s incidental page obvs.
First off, WOW. Thanks so much to everyone who shared, retweeted, commented and helped spread the word about Corporate Skull starting yesterday, it was pretty overwhelming and I know a lot of people have started reading who may not have seen my work before, so HELLO. All the support is obviously very appreciated, so lets hope the comic can do you justice.
So there’s a new page up today, probably another one before the end of the week. As I say, uploading may be sporadic, but reasonably regular.
But now we’re here, I’d welcome any suggestions about the site. This website as you see it is pretty much the limits of my tech capabilities, so if it’s falling apart in different browsers or the RSS feed isn’t working (which is always something I have trouble getting to grips with) please do let me know, or even better, give me a hint as to how to improve it.
And as I mentioned yesterday, comicpress seems really glitchy for me and is making the site slower than it should be – is this just me?
Lastly you may have noticed the homepage now points to the latest page, rather than the first. This is more logical, but if you think it might spoil it for anyone visiting the site afresh, lemme know.
Onward, Skull!